On September 14, 2021, a meeting was held at the Air Transportation Management Department, at which the reports of postgraduate and doctoral candidates about the implementation of the educational and scientific program in specialties 275 “Transport technologies” and 122 “Computer sciences” were considered.
- Dasha Malyarenko, postgraduate candidate – for the 2nd half of the 2nd year of study. Scientific adviser is doctor of technical sciences, senior researcher D. Shevchuk. Thesis topic: “Method of intelligent management of airport resources in conditions of uncertainty”;
- Kostiantyn Cherednichenko, postgraduate candidate – for the 2nd half of the 1st year of study. Scientific adviser is PhD in Economic Sciences, Associate Professor O. Sokolova. Thesis topic: “Modeling of integrated safety assessment of integrated transport systems”;
- Serhiy Teterin, postgraduate candidate – for the 2nd half of the 3rd year of study. Scientific adviser is doctor of technical sciences, Professor P. Pavlenko Thesis topic: “Models, method and technology of automation of the underwriting process in insurance, taking into account the influence of various types of information technology in decision-making under uncertainty”;
- Vladyslav Luchkov, postgraduate candidate – for the 2nd half of the 2nd year of study. Scientific adviser is doctor of technical sciences, Professor P.Pavlenko. Thesis topic: “Models and methods of formation, software environment for analysis of code repositorie”;
- Vira Shendryk, doctoral candidate – for the 2nd half of the 1st year of study. Scientific adviser is doctor of technical sciences, Professor P.Pavlenko. Thesis topic: “Theoretical and methodical bases of proactive information management of complex technical systems “.
In general, postgraduate and doctoral candidates reported about the implementation of the educational and scientific program, which they completed by 100%. They also mentioned the results of the implementation of the scientific component, where they reported about the work on the dissertation research, the publication of scientific articles and participation in conferences.
According to the voting results, the reports were assessed positively, and the postgraduate and doctoral candidates were approved for further training in postgraduate and doctoral studies at the National Aviation University.