On July 12, 2021, in the assembly hall of the National Aviation University, a Graduation ceremony of bachelor’s diplomas to graduates of the Air Transportation Management Department of the Faculty of Transport, Management and Logistics took place.
The solemn ceremony began with a welcoming speech of the FTML Dean, Doctor of Economics, Professor Tatyana Leonidovna Mostenska. She congratulated the graduates and their parents on an important event in their lives, wished them further creative development, rapid professional takeoffs and the achievement of cherished desires.
For congratulations of graduates and presentation of diplomas, were invited: Head of Air Transportation Management Department, Doctor of Tech. Sc., Senior Researcher D. Shevchuk Head of the Department of Organization of Aviation Works and Services, Doctor of Economics, Professor E. Razumova, Head of the Management of Foreign Economic Activity of Enterprises Department, Doctor of Economics, Professor O. Kyrylenko, Acting Head of the Logistics Department, Ph.D., Professor V. Matveev.
Ph.D in Economics, Associate Professor T. Ostapenko congratulated the students on behalf of the supervisors of the academic groups.
Graduates Veronika Ninich and Margarita Despotuli sincerely thanked the teachers for their work, knowledge, tolerance and patience.
After receiving their diplomas, students did not hold back their emotions. Joy, sadness, hopes, expectations dominated the assembly hall. The final point is a collective photo. The Confederates flew up to the ceiling …
The staff of the Air Transportation Management Department joins all the congratulations and wishes the students creative success and prosperity, rapid career growth and the implementation of the most daring plans. We hope that our bachelor’s graduates will link their further professional development with master’s degree studies.
Also thanking letters from the Rector of the National Aviation University M. Lutskyy for many years of scientific and pedagogical activity and for the high level of management of diploma projects (works) were noted:
- Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Air Transportation Management, Konovalyuk V.S.;
- senior lecturer of the Department of Air Transportation Management, Suvorova N.O.;
- senior lecturer of the Department of Air Transportation Management, Volkovska A.H.;
- Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Air Transportation Management, Perederiy N.M.;
- Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Air Transportation Management, Дерев’янко Тамара Антонівна.