The Air Transportation Management Department of the Faculty of Transport, Management and Logistics invites teachers, researchers, doctoral and postgraduate candidates, students to take 2022 International scientific-technical online conference for students, graduate students, doctoral students and young scientists “Innovative transport technologies and transport systems”, which will be held at the National Aviation University on May 6, 2022.
The purpose of the conference is: perspective methods of quality of transport services improvement, transport systems development and innovative technologies introduction in aviation industry
Thematic areas of the conference:
- Problems and prospects for transportation technologies development (by modes of transport);
- Development of air passenger and freight transportation in Ukraine: trends, prospects, technologies;
- Innovative technologies of transportation organization (by modes of transport);
- Modeling of transport systems and processes;
- Intelligent transport systems.
Guest speakers are: airline experts, authorities, scientists, researchers and innovators.
The proceeding of the Conference will be published in an electronic collection of scientific works and posted on the official website of the Faculty of Transport, Management and Logistics of NAU.