The Air Transportation Management Department of the Faculty of Transport, Management and Logistics invites teachers, researchers, doctoral and postgraduate candidates, students to take part in the International scientific-practical conference “PROBLEMS OF TRANSPORTATION ORGANIZATION AND AIR TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT”, which will be held at the National Aviation University on October 28, 2021.
The purpose of the conference is:
- involvement of students, postgraduate candidates and young scientists in active dialogue in the field of aviation;
- discussion of theoretical and practical scientific developments;
- coverage of the achievements of young scientists;
- exchange of experience and acquiring the skills of conducting scientific discussions.
Thematic areas of the conference:
- Challenges and opportunities for the development of air transportation and technologies.
- Development of airport activities.
- Introduction of logistics technologies in air transportation processes.
- Improving information support of air transportation.
- Regulation of air transport enterprises.
- Problems and prospects of personnel training in the organization of air transportation.
- Improving the interaction of transport modes.
- Rational organization of transport services and transport processes.
- Ensuring the efficient functioning of transport systems.
Guest speakers are: airline experts, authorities, scientists, researchers and innovators.
The proceeding of the Conference will be published in an electronic collection of scientific works and posted on the official website of the Faculty of Transport, Management and Logistics of NAU.
Requirements for abstracts, as well as other information about the conference can be found in the attached booklet:
Participation in the conference is free of any charge!